What is holding you back?

4 min readMay 18, 2021


You write your goals down every year, right? If you know what you want why don’t you go and chase them. Why as human beings we give up so easily? This is not understandable. Many people do not take risk. There are individuals that let their life slowly go away. That is simply ridiculous. Read that sentence again, there are people who do not care about giving up their life because they are too afraid of failing. What everybody needs to realize is that failing is part of life. In addition, that is what makes life so exciting the uncertainty. The feeling of failing or succeeding. Something that need to be let go, is easier than done, is stop listening to what other people say or think. Lastly, the successful people are not worried about failing, they are concerned of not giving their best. Life can be simple. We all have control of our own life. We choose how to feel and how to react. Your success does not have anything to do with other people failure or success.

Imagine playing a video game in the easiest mode. The beginning of the game will be fun, but then it will be boring because you know that you will not lose. Now use that example in the real life. Do you think it would be exciting to have everything you want at any moment without any kind of struggle? The feeling of uncertainty is what makes life so special. Uncertainty is what makes you feel alive. When you do something new you heart rate starts to beat faster you become unsettle. That feeling right there, is what makes life worth living and been able to step out of your comfort zone. Obviously, there are people who prefer to always be safe and sound and there is nothing wrong with that. Is important to embrace the feeling of uncertainty. Think about taking the leap of opening a new business, approaching that person you like, or even doing something new. You might fail in your first try, but after doing it you are still alive. Now you body knows that when you take the risk nothing will happen to you.

The judgement of others. If people are not successful is because they listen to what other say. It can be said that humans crave social acceptance. How every self-development book says: do not follow the herd of sheep. Be yourself, be creative, be weird, be fun, most importantly be you. There are more than 7 billion people in the world. If you are not accepted by a thousand of them guess what? You still have chance to be liked by millions of other individuals. Listening to your environment is limiting yourself. You are capable of doing everything if you put your mind into it. Self- believe is the most important trait that you will need to develop. Trust yourself know your worth. How do you do that? Well that something to figure out by your own but let me tell you this: you might not know your value, but someone in the world knows you are priceless and is too scare to tell you or even you have not met him yet. Remember that real friends will always support you and help you, but do not expect anything from anybody.

Life is simple. Recently it has been complicated by politics, pandemic, money markets, power, social status, and leaders of nations. When you realize you cannot control all of that, you become free. Is okay to be informed and informed others about what is happening. You as well can share your opinion. There are some factors that you simply cannot control and that are external factors around the world. That is why is important to focus on yourself. How can you become better than yesterday? By doing that, you slowly can start affecting your surroundings. You want to change the world? Start by changing yourself first. Improve in your weakness and show the world that change is possible. Do not stagnate for years that the worst thing you can do. Life is simple because, is about improvement, learning and adapting. Remember this the moment you think you have figure out life, it will throw you a curve ball you were not expecting. Do not stay comfortable, always be improving and ready for any type of situation.

Hope you got inspire. Comment what are your dreams and what is holding you back.




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